Big numbers
In the latest release, we redesigned the big numbers block to cover a wider range of your use cases. These numbers allow you to create beautiful tiles and report any metric according to analytics best practices.
- Simply type in the number, its name, unit, and time period.
- Easily add, change, or target sections.
- Flip the arrow and sentiment with a single click.

As the volume of your data stories starts to grow, you've been looking for a convenient way to organize and share them with your team inside Understand. So, we've taken the two most popular concepts of how we consume and organize content today and applied them to Understand.
Say hello to channels and feed.
You can create channels around specific measures, groups of people, or your business flow and populate them with related stories.
People with access to the channel can scroll through the data stories and stay up-to-date with the latest insights, just as they're used to on social media.
Our latest release allows you to:
- Create and rename channels.
- Share stories to the channel with a single click.
- Optimize browsing channels on mobile devices.
- Support channels in Understand API.
Steps editor
This week, we launched a more powerful method for adding step-by-step explanations to your data visualizations. Effortlessly focus attention and reduce information overload, even with the most complex charts. What's new?
- Easily organize annotations and animations into steps.
- Automatically generated steps from data changes.
- Drag and drop annotations to your desired position.
- Automatically fade out off-topic elements.

More spacious and flexible data editor
Today, we're introducing our most requested update: a new, more spacious, and powerful data editor!
- A larger and wider panel slides up from the bottom.
- Predefined data structure to instantly see numbers come alive in charts.
- Improved keyboard navigation allowing you to effortlessly glide through cells.
- Configurable labels on the time series.

Improved axis style and statistical marklines
We've made significant improvements to chart axes this week. Beyond a more compact and polished appearance, they now automatically highlight important values at each step of your story and allow you to add various statistical marklines with a single click.
To add a markline, simply click on the numerical axis, select Markline, and choose the desired statistical option.
Changes over time
Understand now automatically visualizes changes over time in bar, scatter, and bubble charts, while you can easily define which movements to focus on and animate in your story.
Select Animate change from the element's menu to animate it.
You can remove animation in the Storyline.

Demo presentations
We've added some inspirational data stories to your Dashboard. These showcase various data stories that you can easily create with Understand:
- Global EVs (Electric Vehicles) insights.
- Quarterly stakeholders update.
- Life-expectancy vs. GDP.
- Citizens' support for democracy.
- Birth rate vs. death rate analysis.
- Annual CO2 emissions data
Feel free to use them as templates for your own data stories.